Suyono Suyono, Dwi Purwastuti


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi efisiensi pemasaran nilam di Kabupaten
Banyumas Propinsi Jawa Tengah dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktur, perilaku, dan kinerja pasar. Metode
penelitian yang digunakan adalah survai, dengan teknik penentuan sampel ”Multistage Random Sampling”.
Sampel petani 68 responden, pedagang pengumpul enam responden, dan penyuling tiga responden. Data yang
diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan Concentration Ratio index, koefisien variasi, dan model integrasi
pasar Ravallion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: struktur pasar nilam di tingkat penyuling untuk lingkup
Kabupaten Banyumas adalah oligopsoni longgar, sedangkan struktur pasar nilam di tingkat pengumpul dan
petani oligopsoni kuat; terdapat dua saluran pemasaran nilam yaitu: petani - pengumpul - penyuling - agen -
eksportir dan petani - penyuling - agen – eksportir; harga nilam di tingkat petani dan pengumpul ditentukan oleh
pembeli; koefisien variasi harga nilam di petani dan pengumpul masing-masing sebesar 36,11% dan 27,13%,
sedangkan koefisien variasi harga minyak nilam di penyuling sebesar 50,71%; tidak terjadi integrasi pasar
antara pasar tingkat petani dengan pasar rujukan. Kesimpulan pemasaran nilam di Kabupaten Banyumas
nampaknya belum berjalan secara adil dan efisien, sehingga pemerintah daerah perlu mengupayakan wadah
kerjasama bagi produsen nilam dan minyak nilam serta memperbaiki iklim berusaha melalui penyebaran
informasi harga nilam dan minyak nilam seluas mungkin.

Kata kunci: struktur, perilaku, kinerja, integrasi pasar


The aims of this research were to examine and evaluate the marketing efficiency of patchouli grown in
Banyumas Regency Central Java Province, by using structure, conduct, and performance approach. The method
of survey and multistage random sampling were used in this research. Subjects of this research were patchouli
farmers, patchouli wholesale, and patchouli producers. The member of sample consisted of 68 farmers, six
wholesales and tree patchouli producers. The data were analyzed using the concentration ratio index,
coefficient of variation, and Ravallion market integration models. Results of this research indicated that the
market structure of patchouli producer in Banyumas Regency was weak oligopsony while market structure in
wholesale and at farm-gate level from buyers side were tight oligopsony. There were two marketing channel, i.e.,
farmer - wholesale – producer – agent – exportir and farmer – producer - agent – exportir. Patchouli price in
farmer and wholesale level dominantly determined by buyers. The coefficient variation of patchouli price in
farmer level was 36,11%; in wholesale was 27,13%; and in patchouli oil producer was 50,71%. There is no
integration market between farmer market level with reference market. Therefore, it was concluded that
patchouli marketing in Banyumas Regency was still considered unfair and inefficient, so local government
needed to create producer association and improving business atmosfir that more competitive by widening the
price information of patchouli and patchouli oil as wide as posible.

Key words: structure, conduct, performance, market integration

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