Nugraheni Retnaningsih, A. Intan Niken Tari


Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji pengaruh putih telur, maltodekstrin terhadap pembuatan minuman instan secang (Caesalpinia sappan L), dan mengetahui kelayakan usahanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan  rancangan acak lengkap faktorial 2 x 3 dengan tiga kali ulangan. Parameter pengamatan dilakukan terhadap sifat kimia instan secang meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, kadar gula reduksi; dan sifat fisika instan secang meliputi pH, kelarutan, dan viskositas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar air dan kadar abu terendah dicapai pada interaksi perlakuan putih telur 7.5% dan maltodekstrin 15%, masing-masing 2,95%, 1,04%, dan kadar gula reduksi 8.38%. Perlakuan konsentrasi putih telur tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap pH dan viskositas instan secang, namun memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kelarutan instan secang dengan kelarutan tertinggi sebesar 85,45% pada perlakuan putih telur 2.5%. Maltodekstrin berpengaruh nyata terhadap pH, kelarutan, viskositas instan secang dengan pH 7,79, kelarutan 87,31%, viskositas 1,05 cP pada perlakuan maltodekstrin 15 %. Analisis usaha pembuatan minuman instan secang memiliki nilai BEP 296,43 Kg atau Rp 8.172.509,90; PP (Pay back Periods) 2.90 atau 2 tahun 9 bulan; ROI (Return On Investment) 33,30% ; NPV ( Net Present Value ) Rp 60.809.276,62; PI (Profitability Index) 1,2 dengan demikian usaha instant secang layak untuk dilaksanakan.


Kata kunci: proporsi putih telur dan maltodekstrin, kelayakan usaha instan secang



The purpose of this study was assessing the influence of egg whites, maltodextrin of secang instant (Caesalpinia sappan L), and determine feasibility of the business. This study used a completely randomized factorial design 2 x 3 with three replications. While the parameters of the observations made on the chemical properties of instant drink include moisture, ash content, reduction sugar; and physical properties which include pH, solubility, and viscosity. The results showed that the water content and the lowest ash content was achieved in the treatment interactions egg whites 7.5% and maltodextrin 15%, is 2.95%, 1.04%, and 8,38% reduction sugar. Treatment of egg whites concentration  do not give a real effect on the pH and viscosity instant drink, but significant on the solubility, with the highest solubility of 85.45% on 2.5% egg white treatment. While maltodextrin significant effect on pH, solubility and viscosity instant drink, that are 7.79 pH, 87.31% solubility, and viscosity of 1.05 cP at 15% maltodextrin treatment. From a financial analysis, the business of secang instant beverages BEP value of 296.43 kg or Rp. 8,172,509.90; PP (Pay back Periods) of 2.90 or 2 years 9 months; ROI (Return On Investment) of 33.30%; NPV (Net Present Value) of Rp. 60.809.276,62; and PI (Profitability Index) of 1.2 . Therefore the business of secang instant is feasible.


Key words: egg whites and maltodextrin properties, feasibility of the business secang instant

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