Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kandungan unsur hara limbah cair hasil dari pengolahan teh hijau
dan fermentasi limbah cair teh hijau yang digunakan sebagai bahan pupuk organik. Hasil analisa fermentasi limbah
cair menunjukkan kandungan C-organik tinggi dan kandungan hara makro serta mikro yang rendah (C-organik
5,7; N 0,24%; P 0,06%; K 0,69%, Cu 1,63 ppm dan Zn 3,33 ppm). Pemanfaatan limbah cair teh hijau sebanyak 1
liter dengan penambahan starter (EM-4) sebanyak 10 ml belum menunjukkan pengaruh terhadap persentase bibit
tumbuh dan pertumbuhan bibit, yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah dan kehijauan daun bibit teh.
Kata kunci: limbah cair teh, pupuk organic, bibit teh
The purpose of this study to determine the nutrient content of liquid waste from the processing of green tea
and green tea fermentation liquid waste used as organic fertilizer. The benefits to be obtained is to provide
information on the nutrient content of the liquid waste from the processing of green tea and green tea fermentation
liquid waste used as organic fertilizer. Results of analysis of liquid waste showed high content of organic C (5,7%)
and nutrient content of macro and micro low i.e N 0.24%, P 0.06%, K 0.69%, Cu 1.63 ppm and Zn 3.33 ppm.
Liquid waste green tea as much as 1 liter with the addition of starter (EM-4) as much as 10 ml has not shown the
effect on the percentage of seedlings and growth of seedlings i.e plant height, number of leaves and greenery.
Key words: liquid waste of tea, organic matter, tea seedling
dan fermentasi limbah cair teh hijau yang digunakan sebagai bahan pupuk organik. Hasil analisa fermentasi limbah
cair menunjukkan kandungan C-organik tinggi dan kandungan hara makro serta mikro yang rendah (C-organik
5,7; N 0,24%; P 0,06%; K 0,69%, Cu 1,63 ppm dan Zn 3,33 ppm). Pemanfaatan limbah cair teh hijau sebanyak 1
liter dengan penambahan starter (EM-4) sebanyak 10 ml belum menunjukkan pengaruh terhadap persentase bibit
tumbuh dan pertumbuhan bibit, yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah dan kehijauan daun bibit teh.
Kata kunci: limbah cair teh, pupuk organic, bibit teh
The purpose of this study to determine the nutrient content of liquid waste from the processing of green tea
and green tea fermentation liquid waste used as organic fertilizer. The benefits to be obtained is to provide
information on the nutrient content of the liquid waste from the processing of green tea and green tea fermentation
liquid waste used as organic fertilizer. Results of analysis of liquid waste showed high content of organic C (5,7%)
and nutrient content of macro and micro low i.e N 0.24%, P 0.06%, K 0.69%, Cu 1.63 ppm and Zn 3.33 ppm.
Liquid waste green tea as much as 1 liter with the addition of starter (EM-4) as much as 10 ml has not shown the
effect on the percentage of seedlings and growth of seedlings i.e plant height, number of leaves and greenery.
Key words: liquid waste of tea, organic matter, tea seedling
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