Ubad Badrudin, Sunarto Sunarto, Ponendi Hidayat


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk K dan saat panen enam genotipe bawang
merah yang tetap, sehingga diperoleh hasil maksimal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kedelai (SRDC) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, sejak bulan
Juni sampai September 2006. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPT)
dengan 3 kali ulangan. Petak utama adalah pepumukan K, K0: kontrol dan K1=150 kg KCl/ha, dan anak
petak berupa kombinasi antara genotipe bawang merah dan saat panen. Keenam genotip bawang merah
menunjukkan pertumbuhan dan hasil bervariasi, tetapi bukan disebabkan oleh variasi pemupukkan K. Hasil
umbi bervariasi ketika panen dilakukan pada saat yang berbeda. Umur panen 70 hst (U2) memberikan hasil
lebih baik daripada umur panen 60 hst (U1). Bobot kering askip tanaman per rumpun, dan diameter umbi
setiap genotip bawang merah ditentukan oleh saat panen. Galur K (V3) pada umur panen 70 hst (U2)
menunjukkan hasil yang paling tinggi. Jumlah umbi per rumun keenam genotip bawang merah ditentukan
oleh pemberian pupuk K dan saat panen. Jumlah umbi per rumun Galur K (V3) dan varietas Tiron (V6)
meningkat sejalan dengan pemberian pupuk K (K1) dan jika dipanen pada umur 70 hst (U2), sehingga
diameter umbinya menjadi kecil-kecil.
Kata Kunci: bawang merah, genotipe, pupuk K, saat panen.


This research project aimed to find out the proper dose of K fertilizer and harvest time for shallot, so
as to gain their maximal yield. Its was carried out in Soybean Research and Development Center (SRDC)
field of Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, since June until September 2006. A three replication of
Split Plot Design arranged in Randomized Completely Block Design was employed. The main plot consisted
of K0: control and K1: 150 kg KCL per hectare, whilst sub plot was combination between six shallot
genotype and harvesting time. The growth and yield of six shallot varieties varies and its variation depended
on K fertilizer and harvesting time. K application (K0 and K1) was not affect all of observed variables. Bulb
yield varies when its harvest was done in different time. Harvesting time in 70 days after planting (U2)
resulted higher yield than those of 60 days after planting (U1). Askip dry weight of crop per clump and bulb
diameter of each variety depended on harvesting time. K line (V3) produced the highest yield when shallot
waa harvested in 70 days after planting (U2). The number of tuber per clump for all varieties was determined
by both K application and harvesting time. The number of tuber for K line (V3) and Tiron variety (V6)
increased when K fertilizer was applied and shallot was harvested in 70 days after planting (U2), and hence
the diameter of tuber decreased.
Key words: shallot, genotype, K fertilizer, harvesting time.

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