Pembangunan sektor pertanian haru
s mampu memanfaatkan keunggulan komparatif dari setiap wilayah
yang berbeda, sehingga mampu memberikan dampak ekonomi pada wilayah tersebut. Penelitian bertujuan untuk
mempelajari wilayah yang berpotensi memiliki komoditas basis tanaman pangan yang bersifat spesifik dan
memiliki unggulan pasar, sebaran masing-masing komoditas tanaman pangan di wilayah yang bersangkutan,
surplus produksi atau pendapatan komoditas basis tanaman pangan di setiap wilayah, pengaruh efek pengganda
produksi atau pendapatan komoditas basis tanaman pangan terhadap peningkatan produksi atau pendapatan
komoditas non basis, dan Tingkat pertumbuhan komoditas basis tanaman pangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan:
(1) Terdapat 6 komoditas basis tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Cilacap yaitu padi sawah, jagung, kedelai, kacang
hijau, kacang tanah, dan ubi kayu, (2) Menurut lokalisasinya budidaya komoditas tanaman pangan cenderung
menyebar tidak merata, dan tidak ada satupun wilayah kecamatan yang melakukan spesialisasi pada komoditas
tanaman pangan tertentu, (3) Surplus produksi setiap wilayah kecamatan ada yang bernilai positif dan negatif,
tetapi hampir semua komoditas basis memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap surplus di tingkat wilayah
kecamatan, (4) Nilai efek pengganda produksi terbesar adalah Kecamatan Cipari, Karangpucung, dan Kecamatan
Kawunganten dan (5) Hampir semua komoditas tanaman pangan mengalami pertumbuhan pesat dan secara
umum 8 komoditas basis yang ada menjadi komoditas andalan di masing-masing Kecamatan di Kabupaten
Kata kunci: tanaman pangan, keunggulan komperatif, kabupaten Cilacap
different region, so that able to give the economic impact at the region. Agriculture represent the especial
activator of economic development of national. The mentioned caused agriculture able to create the economic
growth, make-up of foreign exchange, development of food resilience, continuation of environment, opportunity
extension work and try, and also economic development acceleration generalization [of] area. Therefore,
rebuilding Indonesia economics of agriculture area precisely and realistic (Saragih,1999). Development
agricultural sector of intensification program ekspanding, rehabilitate, up to diversified also the included in
priority category to be developed, besides industrial area development and service. The mentioned by product to
agricultural produce can be instructed better so that able to compete [in] international and also local market. This
research aimed to determine the region which have potency own the commodity of bases of food crop having the
character of specific and own to exeed the market, swampy forest of each commodity of food crop in pertinent
region, surplus produce or earnings of commodity of bases of food crop in each every region, influence of effect
multiplyer produce or earnings of commodity of bases of food crop to product increase or commodity earnings
of[is non bases, and Mount the growth of commodity of bases of food crop. Result of research menunjukan that:
(1) There are 6 commodity of bases of food crop [in] Regency Cilacap that is rice field paddy, maize, soy, green
peanut, peanut, and cassava, ( 2) According to its localization [is] budidaya of commodity of food crop tend to to
disseminate do not flatten, and there no regional of subdistrict conducting specialization of at certain food crop
commodity, (3) Surplus produce each;every subdistrict region there [is] negative and positive valuable, but most
of all bases commodity give the big contribution to surplus in regional storey level of subdistrict (4) Value of
biggest effect pengganda production be subdistrict Cipari, Karangpucung, and Subdistrict Kawunganten and (5)
Most of all commodity of food crop experience of the fast growth in Regency Cilacap, and in general 8 existing
bases commodity become the pledge commodity in each subdistrict of exist in Regency Cilacap
Key words: area, food crops, comparativeness, Cilacap District
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